
Business Advisory Services

Miami Lakes new business advisor

Our firm has been keeping with the pulse of South Florida business for many years. In 2002, A.T.C.I. started a series of mergers and acquisitions with several companies and Tax Consultants Group was created. We started our accounting services with just over 200 business clients and today we are servicing over 500, next year we are on target to double those numbers. Why Business and Financial advisory services? Because we know that just tax preparation, payroll and bookkeeping just isn’t enough.

Sometimes someone writes something that hits the nail right on the head & this is no exception. As in the September 7, 2012 article on accountingweb.com, "Your car's fuel gauge reads empty and you need to find a gas station. Despite BP's new ad campaign or the magazine article you recently read about ExxonMobil's efforts to "go green" you still stop at the station with the cheapest gas prices. This scenario illustrates how customers evaluate pure commodity products (like gasoline) and choose the service provider primarily on a price basis. Simply put, when the competitors offer the same product, lowest price almost always wins. Just like the gas stations in the example above, accounting firms operate in a highly competitive market, and if the firm only offered commoditized services like tax preparation, payroll, and bookkeeping, then they win (and lose) customers due to price competition. The good news is that accountants are in a unique position to offer value-added advisory services. According to USA Today/Gallup polls, accountants are considered the most trusted business professionals. That high level of trust enables them to move beyond traditional accounting services and position themselves as a trusted advisor. Offering quality advisory services that will ensure the long-term success of their clients."* This is what we offer.

Of course there are many other advisory firms and many of them offer very good services. Which one to choose and who is best are some of the questions. You may choose to do an internet search and ask these questions which of course will just create more questions. TAX CONSULTANTS GROUP offers exemplary business advisory services at a reasonable price.